Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average Transactions Per Second (TPS)

style=”font-size:16px;”>Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we transfer and record data, with transactions becoming a fundamental aspect of various applications. Measuring a blockchain’s capabilities based on its Transaction Per Second (TPS) is an essential factor in understanding its scalability and potential for mass adoption. In this article, we’ll delve into the top 10 fastest blockchains that can currently handle an impressive number of transactions per second.


As a benchmark, it’s important to note that traditional payment systems like Visa can process approximately 24,000 TPS. Let’s see how some blockchains compare to this industry standard.


Coming in at number 2, Ripple boasts a maximum daily average of 1,500 TPS.


Next up, Stellar can process around 1,000 TPS. This open-source decentralized protocol focuses on cross-border transactions.


IOTA’s Tangle technology allows it to reach a daily average of around 1,500 TPS. IOTA is specifically designed for the Internet of Things (IoT).

5. Nano

Nano, formerly known as RaiBlocks, can process up to 1,000 TPS. Its unique block-lattice architecture enables instant transactions.

6. VeChainThor

VeChainThor is capable of handling around 3,000 TPS, making it a suitable choice for enterprises and organizations.

7. EOS

EOS, a decentralized operating system supporting industrial-scale dApps, can process around 4,000 TPS.

8. Algorand

Algorand, an open-source, decentralized, and permissionless blockchain platform, can achieve up to 1,000 TPS.

9. Solana

Solana, a high-performance blockchain platform designed for decentralized applications, can process around 65,000 TPS. This is an impressive figure, but it’s essential to consider the actual sustained transaction throughput.

10. Cardano

Lastly, Cardano, a decentralized public blockchain and cryptocurrency project, can handle up to around 1,000 TPS. This platform focuses on academic peer-review before implementation and is expected to improve in the future.

style=”font-size:16px;”>These top 10 fastest blockchains represent a significant leap forward in transaction processing capabilities. As the need for faster and more efficient transactions continues to grow, it’s essential to monitor their development and potential improvements.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

I. Introduction

Explanation of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralized digital ledger that enables secure, transparent, and tamper-proof data storage. It’s designed to record transactions across various computer systems, maintaining a single source of truth without the need for a central authority. Decentralization is one of its key features, ensuring that data cannot be altered retrospectively without consensus from the network. Each block in a blockchain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, linking them together and preventing any attempt at manipulation.

Importance of Transactions Per Second (TPS)

Measuring the efficiency of a blockchain network

Transactions Per Second (TPS) is an essential metric in the blockchain world. It measures the efficiency of a blockchain network by determining how many valid transactions can be processed and confirmed within a given period. A high TPS is desirable for providing an optimal user experience, as it directly impacts the network’s scalability.

Impact on user experience and scalability


(referring to the ability of a system to handle an increasing workload), is crucial in ensuring that blockchain networks meet the growing demands of users. The ability to process large volumes of transactions quickly and efficiently is vital for maintaining a positive user experience. Conversely, low TPS can lead to longer confirmation times, higher fees, and overall dissatisfaction among users.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Understanding Transactions Per Second (TPS): This crucial metric, Transactions Per Second (TPS) , represents the number of transactions that are confirmed and added to the blockchain per second. Understanding TPS is vital for assessing a blockchain’s capacity, scalability, and potential efficiency.

Definition of TPS

TPS measures the total number of validated transactions that can be added to the blockchain each second. It is a significant performance indicator, as it determines how many operations the network can process in a given time frame. A higher TPS indicates a more efficient and scalable blockchain system.

Factors affecting TPS

Several factors influence the TPS performance of a blockchain network:

Network Congestion

Network congestion refers to the situation when the number of transactions being processed exceeds the network’s capacity. This can lead to longer confirmation times and a lower TPS. When the network is congested, it might not be possible to process all the transactions within a second, thus affecting TPS negatively.

Block Size Limitation

Each block in the blockchain can only accommodate a limited number of transactions due to its size constraint. The larger the block, the more transactions it can hold. However, increasing block sizes may lead to longer confirmation times and higher energy consumption. As a result, finding the optimal balance between block size and TPS is essential for maintaining a stable and efficient network.

Consensus Mechanism Efficiency

The consensus mechanism plays a crucial role in determining TPS. Different consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), or Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), vary in their transaction processing speeds and energy requirements. For instance, PoW blockchains like Bitcoin have lower TPS compared to PoS blockchains like Ethereum 2.0. Optimizing consensus mechanisms and their parameters can significantly impact a network’s overall TPS.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

I Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average Transactions Per Second (TPS) (as of CURRENT YEAR)

Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we think about data security, transparency, and decentralization. One of the essential metrics to measure a blockchain’s efficiency and scalability is its ability to process transactions per second (TPS). In this paragraph, we will discuss the top 10 fastest blockchains based on their maximum daily average TPS as of CURRENT YEAR.

Solana (SOL)


With a maximum daily average of 65,000 TPS, Solana is currently the fastest blockchain in the cryptosphere. Its unique proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, called Proof of History (PoH), enables Solana to process transactions faster than its competitors. This high TPS capacity makes Solana an excellent choice for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and other use cases that require quick transaction processing.

Cardano (ADA)


Ranking second on our list is Cardano, with an impressive daily average of around 2,500 TPS. Cardano’s Ouroboros consensus algorithm is designed to be energy-efficient and scalable. Its layered blockchain architecture supports various applications, including decentralized finance, gaming, and more.

Polkadot (DOT)


Ranked third, Polkadot boasts a daily average of approximately 1,800 TPS. Polkadot is a decentralized, open-source platform that allows various blockchains to interoperate through its Relay Chain. This multi-chain architecture makes Polkadot a promising solution for building scalable decentralized applications (dApps) and interoperable networks.

Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Smart Chain

With a daily average of around 1,300 TPS, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ranks fourth in our list. This Ethereum competitor utilizes a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, enabling it to offer fast and low-cost transactions. The Binance ecosystem’s growth and the popularity of its DeFi projects have contributed to BSC’s success.

5. Terra (LUNA)


Terra comes in fifth place, boasting a daily average of approximately 1,200 TPS. This stablecoin platform is designed to provide price stability and fast transactions through its algorithmic stablecoins. Terra’s high TPS capacity makes it suitable for various use cases, including payments, DeFi, and more.

6. Algorand (ALGO)


Ranked sixth, Algorand processes around 1,000 TPS daily on average. It is known for its unique pure proof-of-stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism, which ensures high transaction throughput while maintaining decentralization and security.

7. Ethereum (ETH)


Ethereum, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has an average daily TPS of approximately 1,500. Although it lags behind some newer blockchains in terms of raw transaction processing power, Ethereum’s network effects, developer ecosystem, and upcoming upgrades like Eth2 make it a formidable competitor in the blockchain space.

8. Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)

Hedera Hashgraph

With a daily average of around 1,000 TPS, Hedera Hashgraph ranks eighth on our list. This enterprise-grade public ledger utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called the Hashgraph Algorithm, which offers high throughput, low latency, and decentralization.

9. Cosmos (ATOM)


Ranking ninth, Cosmos processes around 1,000 TPS daily on average. This decentralized network of independent, parallel blockchains called zones allows for high interoperability and scalability, making it a promising solution for building complex decentralized applications.

10. TRON (TRX)


Lastly, we have TRON, which processes approximately 2,000 TPS daily on average. TRON’s high TPS capacity, combined with its low transaction fees and scalability, makes it a popular choice for decentralized applications focused on gaming, social media, and more.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Cardano (ADA): An In-depth Look

Cardano, represented by the symbol ADA, is a decentralized public blockchain project and cryptocurrency that was founded in 2015 by Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) and Charles Hoskinson. The Cardano blockchain is unique as it utilizes a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism called Ouroboros, which differentiates it from the more widely known proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanisms like Bitcoin’s. With this innovative approach, Cardano aims to be more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Ouroboros

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism that allows network participants to validate transactions and create new blocks based on their stake or ownership of the cryptocurrency. Cardano’s implementation, Ouroboros, is a PoS mechanism that uses a protocol called “Ouroboros Genesis” to select block proposers in a fair and unbiased manner. Ouroboros also introduces the concept of “trees” to the Cardano network, which helps increase security and scalability.

On-going Upgrades: Increasing Transactions Per Second (TPS)

Cardano is undergoing a series of upgrades to continually improve its TPS, making it more appealing as a potential contender for everyday transactions. Currently, the platform averages around [CURRENT TPS] transactions per second (TPS). This number is expected to significantly increase as Cardano moves through its development roadmap.

Future Goals and Potential TPS Increase

Shelley, Basho, and Goguen

The upcoming upgrades for Cardano are named after famous philosophers. The Shelley upgrade, which has already been implemented, brought decentralized identity and governance to the network, allowing stake pool operators to become self-governing entities. The next upgrade, Basho, focuses on making Cardano more scalable and efficient while maintaining decentralization. Lastly, the Goguen upgrade aims to introduce smart contracts to Cardano’s ecosystem, opening up new possibilities for decentralized applications.

Scalability through Sidechains and Hydra Protocol

Cardano plans to achieve scalability not only through its upgrades but also by utilizing sidechains and the Hydra protocol. Sidechains will allow for greater interoperability with other blockchain networks while maintaining the security of the Cardano mainnet. The Hydra protocol, on the other hand, is a layer-two solution that enables off-chain transactions to be processed in parallel and then settled on-chain, potentially increasing TPS significantly.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Solana (SOL): Description and Overview

Solana (SOL) is a high-performance blockchain platform designed to support scalable and decentralized applications. It utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with a proof-of-history (PoH) layer that secures the network’s order and ensures transaction finality. This combination of consensus mechanisms enables Solana to achieve high throughput and fast finality, which is crucial for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with Proof-of-History (PoH)

The PoS consensus mechanism in Solana is based on the Tower BFT algorithm, which selects validators for each transaction batch. On top of it, the platform uses a unique PoH layer to record and order transactions. This approach ensures that all nodes on the network agree on the total order of transactions, making it possible to achieve fast finality.

Optimistic Parallel Processing and Sealed Slot Mechanism

Another innovative feature of Solana is its optimistic parallel processing and sealed slot mechanism. This approach allows transactions to be processed in parallel, increasing throughput. Once a transaction is committed to a slot (a unit of time), it becomes sealed and cannot be rolled back, ensuring finality and enabling quick confirmation times.

Current Maximum Daily Average TPS

Currently, Solana can process a daily average of over 65,000 transactions per second (TPS), making it one of the fastest blockchain platforms available. This high throughput is a significant advantage for DeFi applications, which require fast and efficient transaction processing.

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

Solana’s team plans to further increase the platform’s scalability and TPS capacity through several initiatives:

Serum DEX Integration

Serum Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

Solana is integrating Serum DEX, which utilizes the Solana blockchain to provide high-performance decentralized trading. This integration will help attract more users and applications to the platform, increasing overall network usage and transaction volume.

New Validator Models and Upgrades

Additionally, Solana is continuously upgrading its validator models and implementing new features to improve the platform’s performance. Recent updates include the addition of Archivers, which help reduce load on the validator nodes, and improvements to the Tower BFT consensus algorithm. These enhancements will enable Solana to handle even higher transaction volumes in the future.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Polkadot (DOT): Polkadot, represented by the symbol DOT, is a

next-generation blockchain platform

that focuses on delivering interoperability between various decentralized projects. The core component of Polkadot is its unique

interconnected blockchain network

with a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This design provides several advantages, including enhanced security, scalability, and the ability to allow multiple chains to exist within the same network.

Description and Overview (continued)



of the Polkadot network is achieved through parachain sharding, which enables the network to process multiple transactions in parallel. Each parachain focuses on a specific use-case, providing greater efficiency and reducing the overall load on the network. At its current state, Polkadot boasts an impressive

maximum daily average of [CURRENT TPS] transactions per second (TPS)


Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

Polkadot’s team is constantly working on improving the network’s scalability, with plans to increase TPS significantly. One approach involves parachain auctions, a process where projects bid for a slot on the main chain, allowing them to operate as independent parachains with increased functionality and security. Another strategy is rollups, which allows for the batching of multiple transactions into a single one, thereby increasing overall network capacity.

Moreover, Polkadot’s

cross-chain interoperability

with networks like Kusama and other potential partners further enhances its value proposition. This cross-chain functionality enables seamless transactions between different blockchains, providing developers with the ability to build interconnected decentralized applications (dApps) that can communicate and exchange value across multiple networks.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

Binance Smart Chain (BSC): A Comprehensive Overview

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a decentralized, high-performance, open-source platform for building decentralized applications (dApps) powered by

Binance, the leading global cryptocurrency exchange

. BSC utilizes Binance’s proprietary

Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism

, which prioritizes transaction validation by trusted nodes, providing a more efficient and secure network. This mechanism eliminates the need for costly proof-of-work (PoW) or proof-of-stake (PoS) systems, resulting in

low transaction fees and fast confirmation times


Current Maximum Daily Average TPS on BSC: [CURRENT TPS]

As of now, the current maximum daily average transactions per second (TPS) on Binance Smart Chain stands at [CURRENT TPS]. Despite this number, the BSC team is committed to continually enhancing scalability and increasing TPS to meet growing demand.

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

In its pursuit of unparalleled scalability, Binance Smart Chain is continually undergoing network upgrades and forming strategic partnerships. Some

upcoming enhancements include:


  • Upgrading the current PoA consensus mechanism to support Proof-of-Stake (PoS) delegation, increasing network security and enabling a more decentralized ecosystem.
  • Integrating Oracle solutions to expand the utility of smart contracts on the platform, making it more versatile for various dApps.
  • Collaborating with major decentralized finance (DeFi) projects to join the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem and drive mass adoption.

Binance’s Role in Community Governance and Development

Lastly, Binance plays a pivotal role in the community governance and development of Binance Smart Chain. By providing resources and support to developers, the exchange fosters a thriving ecosystem where innovation can flourish. The Binance Launchpad platform is one such initiative, offering projects an avenue to secure funding and gain exposure within the Binance ecosystem.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

E. 5. Algorand (ALGO)

Algorand, represented by the ticker symbol ALGO, is a decentralized and open-source blockchain platform that boasts an innovative consensus mechanism known as Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS). This consensus algorithm, unlike others, does not rely on energy-intensive mining procedures or complex calculations. Instead, it utilizes a random selection of validators to verify transactions and add new blocks to the chain. This method not only reduces energy consumption but also ensures a higher degree of decentralization.

Description and Overview

Algorand’s pure PoS consensus mechanism operates by having all users (or nodes) hold and stake ALGO tokens to participate in the validation process. The more tokens a user stakes, the higher their chances of being selected as a validator for the next round. This method guarantees security and fairness while also enabling faster transaction processing times. Moreover, Algorand’s architecture is designed with a flexible and modular approach for improved scalability.

Current Maximum Daily Average TPS

At present, Algorand’s maximum daily average transactions per second (TPS) is around [CURRENT TPS], which is impressive compared to many other blockchain platforms. However, the team behind Algorand acknowledges that further improvements are necessary for meeting increasing demand and supporting future growth.

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

To address the scalability challenge, Algorand has several plans in place for enhancing its TPS. One of these strategies includes the integration of layer 2 solutions like Optimistic Rollups, which will enable more complex smart contracts while preserving the platform’s high-speed processing. Another approach includes fostering collaborations with DeFi projects and NFT ecosystems, which can significantly contribute to increasing Algorand’s user base and overall network usage. By focusing on these strategic initiatives, Algorand aims to further strengthen its position as a leading decentralized blockchain platform with a robust and adaptive infrastructure.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

F. 6. Terra (LUNA)

Terra is a decentralized finance (DeFi) project building a stable currency solution on the Cosmos Network. The link oversees Terra’s development and maintains its ecosystem through the use of a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This mechanism ensures the security, scalability, and sustainability of the Terra blockchain.

Luna Foundation Guard’s PoS consensus mechanism

Terra uses a unique combination of the Cosmos-SDK and Tendermint Core as its base layer, allowing it to benefit from both the modularity and interoperability offered by the Cosmos Network. The PoS consensus mechanism employed by Terra allows for validators, who hold LUNA tokens, to secure and validate transactions on the network, earning rewards for their contributions.

Terra stablecoins and decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem

At the heart of Terra’s mission lies the creation of stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies pegged to various fiat currencies or commodities. These stablecoins provide a more stable trading environment for users and developers in the DeFi ecosystem, reducing price volatility and facilitating seamless transactions. The Terra ecosystem features two primary stablecoins: UST (TerraUSD), which is pegged to the US dollar, and UMC (TerraMinitwistCoin), which is algorithmically stabilized against multiple assets within the Terra ecosystem.

Current Maximum Daily Average TPS: [CURRENT TPS]

As of now, Terra’s current maximum daily average transactions per second (TPS) stands at approximately [CURRENT TPS]. This number demonstrates the network’s ability to handle a substantial volume of transactions, making it an attractive option for users seeking fast and efficient financial solutions.

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

To accommodate further growth and increase the network’s TPS capacity, Terra is exploring several avenues for expansion. One such approach involves expanding its DeFi ecosystem by onboarding more projects and developers to the platform, fostering a thriving community of innovators. Additionally, Terra is pursuing collaborations with stablecoins and central banks to enhance its offerings, further solidifying its position as a leader in the DeFi space.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

G. 7. TRON (TRX): This decentralized computing platform and open-source project was founded by Justin Sun in September 201

Description and Overview

TRON focuses on building a global free content entertainment system with the longest blockchain in the world. It uses a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, allowing for more efficient energy usage and faster transaction processing compared to traditional Proof-of-Work systems.

Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism

With DPoS, users can vote for trusted nodes or “witnesses” to create new blocks and secure the network. This leads to faster transaction processing and a more democratic system.

Scalable infrastructure for decentralized applications (dApps)

TRON boasts a scalable infrastructure specifically designed to accommodate decentralized applications (dApps) through its Virtual Machine (TVM) and Smart Contracts.

Current Maximum Daily Average TPS

(CURRENT TPS: Approximately 2,000 transactions per second)

TRON currently handles around 2,000 transactions per second on its network.

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

TRON is dedicated to increasing its transaction processing speed. Upcoming network upgrades, such as Odyssey 3.0 and Project Genesis, aim to enhance the platform’s scalability by improving consensus mechanism efficiency and reducing transaction confirmation times. Furthermore, TRON is expanding its ecosystem through partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders like BitTorrent, Samsung, and These initiatives are expected to attract more users, leading to increased demand for the TRON network and ultimately driving higher transaction volumes and faster TPS.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

H. 8. VeChain (VET)

VeChain, or VET, is a decentralized platform designed to provide enterprise-grade solutions using blockchain technology. It employs a unique consensus mechanism called DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) with Threshold Proof of Authority (TPoA) to ensure high throughput, security, and scalability. This combination allows VeChain to offer a more efficient and cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.

Description and Overview

The VeChainThor blockchain is designed to be highly customizable and extensible, enabling it to cater to a wide range of industries, including supply chain management, logistics, food safety, and more. With its focus on enterprise solutions and IoT (Internet of Things) integration, VeChain positions itself as a leading contender in the blockchain market.

Current Maximum Daily Average TPS (Transactions Per Second)

The current maximum daily average TPS for VeChain is approximately [CURRENT TPS]. This number highlights the platform’s ability to process a significant volume of transactions in a short period, making it an attractive choice for businesses with high transaction requirements.

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

To ensure that the VeChainThor mainnet continues to offer unparalleled scalability, several upgrades have been planned. These include mainnet upgrades to support increased TPS numbers through the implementation of sharding and other advanced technologies. Furthermore, VeChain’s strategic partnerships with enterprise clients and governments will help drive demand for the network, leading to a natural increase in TPS as more businesses adopt the platform.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

I. Cosmos (ATOM):

Description and Overview

Cosmos is an open-source, decentralized network of independent, interconnected blockchains called zones.

a. Iroha consensus algorithm with Tendermint PoS engine

At the heart of Cosmos lies the Iroha consensus algorithm, which ensures secure and rapid transaction processing. Iroha utilizes a modified version of the Tendermint Proof-of-Stake (PoS) engine, enabling fast finality and interoperability between different zones.

b. Interconnected and scalable blockchain network

This network is designed to be interconnected, allowing for seamless communication and value transfer between zones. Cosmos’ scalability stems from its modular architecture, making it an attractive solution for high transaction volume applications.

Current Maximum Daily Average TPS

The current maximum daily average transactions per second (TPS) for Cosmos is [CURRENT TPS].

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

Cosmos is continuously focusing on enhancing its scalability to accommodate future growth. Some of the upcoming network upgrades include:

a. Cosmos Hub 2.0

Cosmos Hub 2.0, an upgraded version of the core Cosmos hub, is expected to introduce significant improvements, such as increased throughput, faster finality, and enhanced interoperability between zones.

b. Partnerships with decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) projects

Collaborations with DeFi and NFT projects are crucial to Cosmos’ growth strategy. These partnerships will lead to the deployment of various applications on the network, driving demand for increased TPS and creating a thriving ecosystem.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS

J. 10. Fantom (FTM):

Description and Overview

Fantom (FTM) is an open-source, decentralized, and scalable platform that operates using the Lachesis consensus mechanism with a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture. This unique design allows for faster transaction processing and enhanced scalability.

Key Features

Fantom is gaining significant attention in the blockchain community due to its scalability and potential for hosting a multitude of decentralized applications (dApps) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects. The platform’s scalability is evident through its current maximum daily average transactions per second (TPS), which stands at [CURRENT TPS].

Scalability and Future TPS Increase Plans

To further enhance its scalability, Fantom has several upgrades in the pipeline. One of these is Odyssey 2.0, which aims to improve the overall user experience and provide better governance capabilities for the network. Another upgrade, Apollo, is designed to address scalability issues by increasing the network’s TPS capacity significantly. In addition to these upgrades, Fantom also plans to integrate layer 2 scaling solutions such as Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge (ZK)-Rollups, which will help to further increase the network’s TPS and improve overall efficiency.

Top 10 Fastest Blockchains by Maximum Daily Average TPS


In the realm of high-performance blockchains, several projects have emerged as frontrunners, delivering impressive results in terms of Transactions Per Second (TPS). Let’s summarize the fastest blockchains based on their maximum daily average TPS:

Ripple (XRP): Averaging 1,500 TPS
Stellar Lumens (XLM): Averaging 1,000 TPS
Solana (SOL): Peaking at 65,000 TPS
Cardano (ADA): Averaging 257 TPS (with upcoming upgrades targeting 1 million TPS)
5. Algorand (ALGO): Capable of processing over 1,000 TPS
6. EOS (EOS): Capable of handling 4,000 TPS
7. Nano (NANO): Processing up to 7,000 TPS

Now let’s compare their consensus mechanisms and scalability solutions. Ripple and Stellar Lumens employ a federated Byzantine Agreement (BA) consensus mechanism. Solana utilizes Proof of History (PoH), while Cardano, Algorand, and EOS employ Proof of Stake (PoS), with Nano using a unique delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) mechanism. Each project has implemented distinct approaches to achieve scalability, including sharding, parallel processing, and state synchronization.

The implications for users

, developers, and the blockchain ecosystem are significant. High-TPS blockchains enable faster transactions, reduced confirmation times, and improved user experience. They offer developers a foundation for building decentralized applications with enhanced performance capabilities. The blockchain ecosystem benefits from this competition as it drives innovation and pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of decentralized technology.
